Unit 559 - Obituaries and Eulogies

Obituaries and Eulogies

I have been a member of this unit since 1970 and have known each of the departed members in the long list of friends.  I truly miss them all.

I never saw the obituaries nor the eulogies for most of them, but I can share the few I have.  May all my friends rest in peace, and if there is a bridge game where ever they are, I hope to one day be a player.
    But who will add my name to our list of departed friends?

Dear Friends

Dear friends, who from this life depart;
I remember you; you touch my heart

Not so long ago, we shared a smile;
I can see your faces, though it's been a while

So many partners have given such pleasure;
So many friendships my heart will treasure

So now, dear friends who have fallen asleep,
You live in memories that are mine to keep

Gentle friends, although far you roam,
To think of you is to call you home

Good night and peace be to you, my dear gentle friends

                      --Marie Nimmrich